generates a static HTML site based on an RDF graph. It does so by
iterating through the graph’s resources and applying the appropriate Jinja template to it.
One page will be generated for each resource selected from the graph.
The site generator is configured using a YAML file like this:
generator = SiteGenerator('/path/to/config.yml')
The YAML file looks like this:
base_url: 'https://berlin.github.io' # the base hostname & protocol for your site, e.g. http://example.com
base_path: '/lod-budget' # the subpath of your site
dataset_path: 'data/temp/all.part.nt' # the path to the RDF file containing the graph (can be any format that
# rdflib can parse).
template_path: 'templates' # the path to the folder containing the Jinja templates
output_path: '_site/' # the output path where all generated HTML files will be placed
prefixes: # a list of prefixes that should be available throughout the site-generation process
rdf: http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#
rdfs: http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#
schema: https://schema.org/
void: http://rdfs.org/ns/void#
xsd: http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#
include: # a list of files and folders that should be copied into the output_path
- assets/
class_template_mappings: # mappings from classes to templates
"void:Dataset": "dataset.html.jinja"
If you want to run the generator locally for test purposes, you can also pass a second parameter with
URL of the local test site (usually something like [http://localhost:8000
In the templates that have been loaded by the site generator, a number of variables are available:
: The node from the input graph that is currently being processed. In other words, resource
for which the current page is being built. node
is usually an instance of rdflib.URIRef
, but can
for most purposes be use like a str
(the URI of the node).base_url
: The base URL of the site, e.g. [https://berlin.github.io
: The base path of the site, e.g. /lod-budget
: BASE_URL + BASE_PATH – the URIs of all resources included in the site are in this namespaceprefixes
: A dictionary of prefixes that have been configured for the site generator.prefixes
are also available directly in upper case in the template and are instances
of rdflib.Namespace
. E.g., if void: [http://rdfs.org/ns/void#
](http://rdfs.org/ns/void#) is defined in the configuration, then
in the template we can do
to get
SELECT ?resourceUri
?resourceUri ?predicate ?object
FILTER(STRSTARTS(STR(?resourceUri), '{}'))
The default SPARQL query for selection of resources from the input graph, if
is not defined in the YAML config.
It selects all subject URIs which start with the site’s resource prefix
"rdf": "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#",
"rdfs": "http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#",
"owl": "http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#",
"dct": "http://purl.org/dc/terms/",
A couple of default prefixes that are made available if prefixes
is not set
in the YAML config.
DEFAULT_DATASET_PATH = 'data/data.ttl'
The default path to the file containing the input RDF graph.
The default path to the template folder.
DEFAULT_TEMPLATE = 'default.html.jinja'
The name of the default template that gets applied whenever no matching template could be
found in class_template_mappings
The default path to the folder where all generated HTML files will be copied.
class SiteGenerator(object)
def read_config(config_key: str, default)
Read a value from the config and return it. If config_key is not included, return the default instead. Write an appropriate log message for each case.
str - the key for this setting in the config dictionarydefault
type - the default value for this settingReturns:
- Either the value read from the config or the default.def extract_resources()
Run the restriction_query on the loaded RDF data to determine the set of resources to include in the static site.
def compute_resource_class_index(resources: list) -> Dict[URIRef, list]
Compute an index dict from resources to classes (rdf:type). The index is computed
based on the current RDF graph, and only resources are included in the index that are contained in the list of resources passed to the function.
): The list of resources to be considered.Returns:
: A dict from resource URIs to class URIs, or None if no class is defined.
def compute_class_superclass_index(
resource_class_index: dict) -> Dict[URIRef, list]
Compute an index dict from class URIs to lists of class URIs which are their
superclasses, based on the current RDF graph. We consider all classes that are included
in the resource_class_index
The list of superclasses is ordered from least to most specific. Also, every list of
superclasses that doesn’t already begin with owl:Thing will have owl:Thing added as the
least specific superclass. This means that all resource keys in the index have at least
[ owl:Thing ] as their list of superclasses.
dict - An index dict from resource URIs to lists of class URIs.Returns:
Dict[URIRef, list]: An index dict from class URIs to lists of class URIs (the superclasses).
def compute_resource_template_index(
resources: list, resource_class_index: dict,
class_superclass_index: dict) -> Dict[URIRef, str]
Compute an index dict from resource URIs to template names.
list - The list of resources to be consideredresource_class_index
dict - The index of resources to classesclass_superclass_index
dict - The index of classes to superclassesReturns:
Dict[URIRef, str]: The index from resource URIs to template names.
class CustomHandler(SimpleHTTPRequestHandler)
A custom request handler that can serve *.html files without their file extension.
I.e., I can request xxxxx
and get xxxxx.html