
Github Project

An advanced image conversion server and command line tool.

You only need one version of your images. Converjon will do the rest.

# install
npm install -g converjon

# launch with the dev config to enable demo
converjon --dev

# visit http://localhost:8001/demo

Converjon is a tool for on-demand image processing to suit various needs in typical modern web applications that have a large variety of image content or target a wide range of devices.

There's no need to crop images manually to fit all your thumbnail sizes, gallery formats, etc. With Converjon you can define what parts of your images are important. The areas of interest may be your products, faces or other details. Converjon will always crop your images ensuring the parts that matter the most to you are visible.

laptop image
tablet image
tablet image

Converjon removes the need to pre-generate all image sizes and resolutions that you might need. Instead, you can focus on your application, on your next layout or on supporting more target devices and screen sizes.

Have a look at the demo page or learn more about Converjon at